Monday, October 12, 2009

Making Progress

At last, I feel like I'm making progress. I actually have two of the modules created (drafts) in Flash. Still a lot of work to do, but I'm making headway. I was also able to create some images that I'm proud of and that my site supervisor likes. That was a big hurdle, but I'm beginning to tame (just a little) the beast known as Adobe. I created a report on my progress thus far. I won't rehash it all here, but I would like to record some of the things that I am learning.
1. There are situations in which you can be totally dependent on someone else for content. In fact, most situations are probably like this. That's different from many of the projects that we've created in the program. Depending on someone else means having to wait on them to get the content to you.
2. Not everyone respects ADDIE. I'm finding that ADDIE is a great tool for planning, but you can't always follow it to the letter. When working with others, you have to have some room for flexibility.
3. No matter how long I live, I will never learn everything I need to know about Adobe.


  1. Hi Rose,
    One thing I've learned about ADDIE is that it's not always sequential. Sure, ideally you start with Analysis and follow that with Design, but sometimes you have to jump back to Analysis before proceeding to Development, or stop Development to return to Design. I look at it as primarily sequential but like the phases overlap somewhat.

    Oh, and I like the program you used to create your presentation.

  2. Your midterm presentation looks good and it is informative.
    The Annotated Bibliography, however, is incomplete. Is that the wrong link on your wki page??
    Let me know when that is done.

    Nice Flash modules. Please continue to share those with us via your blog. Also, let me know when you have added audio to them.
