Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Drafts Nearly Done

Spending lots of time working on my drafts. They aren't quite done. I'm a little behind schedule. However, I built time into the schedule for this event. I should be done with them all by the weekend. I have discovered what may be a more efficient way to build the modules in Flash. I usually add an element and then animate it. Then I add another element and animate it. I continued in this way. Now I've been adding all of the elements that need to appear together. This gives me a good idea that the placement for each element works with the placement of all of the elements before I start moving the objects around. This seems to work a little better for me.

I am getting a little more efficient at Flash. But there is still so much to learn. I think I've pulled out nearly every trick that I know. But it's nice to see it coming together.

1 comment:

  1. Rose -

    Let me know when you complete the drafts!

    Good luck!

    T Smyth
