Monday, September 28, 2009


The past couple of weeks have been spent working out the design for the project. There are two phases for the design. First, the general outline of the webpage (for now) that will serve as the platform for accessing the modules.

The second phase has been the more detailed portion of the design. It includes laying out exactly how each module will be delivered. Here is the process that I followed.

1. I transcribed the audio that my site supervisor provided for me. This took quite a bit of time (even with my better than average typing skills).

2. I sorted out the transcribed notes into eight large categories. From here, I wrote the narrative for each of the modules. This was very much like writing a research paper. I had not anticipated this type of research work. At this point, these narratives are still being tweaked and edited between me and the site supervisor.

3. With the draft of the narrative in hand, I began to outline the frames of the demonstration. One thing that I realized at this point is that I will be able to reuse many of the illustrations that I will create between the modules. The other thing that I had to consider is how to draw attention to various parts of the illustration. I've decided to use thickened lines in transparent colors to do this.

4. While drawing out the storyboards, I discovered that some of the draft modules had too much information in them. So, this helped me to consider new modules for smaller amounts of information.

5. An important decision that I made was to have the audio created ahead of the modules. I think it will be easier to match the images and animatioin to the audio than to match the audio to the animations.

I'm starting to see how this will come together, but it is a lot of work.

1 comment:

  1. You're making great progress, Rose.
    I look forward to your mid-term presentation on October 12!
