Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Drafts Nearly Done

Spending lots of time working on my drafts. They aren't quite done. I'm a little behind schedule. However, I built time into the schedule for this event. I should be done with them all by the weekend. I have discovered what may be a more efficient way to build the modules in Flash. I usually add an element and then animate it. Then I add another element and animate it. I continued in this way. Now I've been adding all of the elements that need to appear together. This gives me a good idea that the placement for each element works with the placement of all of the elements before I start moving the objects around. This seems to work a little better for me.

I am getting a little more efficient at Flash. But there is still so much to learn. I think I've pulled out nearly every trick that I know. But it's nice to see it coming together.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Making Progress

At last, I feel like I'm making progress. I actually have two of the modules created (drafts) in Flash. Still a lot of work to do, but I'm making headway. I was also able to create some images that I'm proud of and that my site supervisor likes. That was a big hurdle, but I'm beginning to tame (just a little) the beast known as Adobe. I created a report on my progress thus far. I won't rehash it all here, but I would like to record some of the things that I am learning.
1. There are situations in which you can be totally dependent on someone else for content. In fact, most situations are probably like this. That's different from many of the projects that we've created in the program. Depending on someone else means having to wait on them to get the content to you.
2. Not everyone respects ADDIE. I'm finding that ADDIE is a great tool for planning, but you can't always follow it to the letter. When working with others, you have to have some room for flexibility.
3. No matter how long I live, I will never learn everything I need to know about Adobe.