Monday, August 31, 2009

My Project

This semester, I will be working with a physician to develop some education modules geared towards patients, mid-level caregivers, non-medically trained office personnel, etc. These initial modules will address gynological cancers.

I spent time with my site supervisor learning about some typical modules that might be included such as a definition of cancer and how cancer is staged. I suggested that my site supervisor use a digital pen to record his ideas (verbal and written) about how a module might work. So far this has worked wonderfully since I am totally dependent on him for content. (He's even decided to explore using it with his patients so that they can review the information that they received during their appointment.)

After viewing some of these initial drafts of the modules, I began to think about the type of graphics that might be used: realisitic images, detailed colored drawings, or simple line drawings. I looked for some resources on the best practices in instructional design regarding images. I found some useful information at the Rapid eLearning Blog. I also found two books that I plan to consult, The Non-Designer's Design Book by Robin Williams and Graphics for Learning by Ruth Clark. My site supervisor and I decided that simpler drawings might be better and less intimidating for the target users.

My next decision is to decide on the platform for the project. I am considering developing the modules in Flash since it would allow me to build in user controls.

By the end of the week, we should have identified the specific modules to be developed. Then the real work can begin.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, Rose. This will b a useful project, especially during this time of concern with quality and effective health care.
